Is Sex Painful? It Could Be One of These Common Conditions

Experiencing pain during sex can be distressing. More than just negatively impacting your sexual pleasure, it can cause problems in your relationship. In addition, you might feel stress not knowing if it’s a temporary problem or a sign of an underlying illness.
At New Beginnings OB-GYN in Las Vegas, we have the support you need. Dr. Staci McHale is a compassionate, highly respected, board-certified OB/GYN who takes the time to get to know you and answer your questions. She performs an exam, explain their diagnosis, and provide personalized treatment options to make you feel better.
Common conditions that can cause painful sex
When you experience pain during sex you may worry that it’s a sign of a serious condition. A medical exam from one of our doctors is the only way to know for sure. It could be one of these common conditions:
Not enough lubrication
One of the most common causes of pain during sex is lack of lubrication, which can cause chafing and pain. Sometimes the vagina doesn’t produce enough lubrication, due to hormonal changes or not being adequately aroused. A number of treatments may help, such as vaginal lubricants during sex, or hormone replacement therapy.
The vagina is a warm, damp part of the body — the perfect conditions for infections to thrive. The most common types of vaginitis are yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis. These conditions are similar in that they both cause unusual discharge, a burning sensation during urination, and pain during sex.
Yeast infections tend to cause thick white discharge that doesn't have a strong scent. Bacterial vaginosis usually results in thin yellow or gray discharge that has a strong odor. Yeast infections can often be treated with over-the-counter medications, but bacterial vaginosis typically requires prescription medications.
Endometriosis is a condition in which uterine tissue, which is normally shed during menstruation, grows in areas outside your uterus. It can cause severe cramps, heavy bleeding, as well as pain during sex. Hormone replacement therapy may reduce the symptoms, along with pain medication.
Vulvodynia is pain in your vulva that doesn’t have an easily identifiable cause. It can be generalized vulvodynia, which occurs in different areas at different times, or localized vulvodynia, which is focused in one area. Though there are no specific cures for vulvodynia, your doctor works with you to find treatments that alleviate your pain.
Skin disorders
A number of skin disorders can cause cracking or even ulcers on the skin of your vulva that cause pain or itching. This can be caused by a reaction to topical substances such as lubricants, soaps, or douches. Stopping use of the product can sometimes improve the condition, but you may need additional treatment.
Pain during sex can be distressing and uncomfortable, leaving you to wonder if it will go away on its own or if you need to see a doctor. Don’t suffer alone: Get an appointment and get it checked out. It might be a common condition that can easily be treated.
To set up an appointment at New Beginnings OB-GYN, call our office or use our online booking tool today.
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